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Here I will post ideas to spark imagination and engage with my books. Watch for new posts with recipes, games, stories, and more.

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Let’s start with some book club questions….

Discussion Questions from the Author:

1. Immigration is a hot topic. Why did the Germans want to leave their home country? In what ways were they proud to be German? What did they hope to gain by traveling to Texas? What obstacles did they face?

2. Discuss similarities and differences with the obstacles the German immigrants faced and current immigration problems. How can we empathize with those making a new start in America today?

3.  I grew up hearing my grandmother tease that she would “sell us back to the Indians” if we didn’t straighten up. Often, we have bits of our history woven into our lives without even realizing it. Where do you think my grandmother’s saying came from? What sayings might be in your life you haven’t even noticed before? 

4. Henry struggles to come to terms with the consequences of his actions. What things occur in the story that shape him into becoming the man he so desires to be? What things get in the way?

5.  Anna’s mother states at the end of the book, “We’ve made new friends and that friendship may save us our lives. God is good to us, children, and He has helped us forgive wrongs and receive forgiveness. Let us pray tonight that the men in the expedition are receiving the same grace.” What do you think grace means? The name Anna in German means full of grace. How does Anna show grace throughout the book to those around her? How did others show grace to her?

6.  In Chapter 9, Henry says, “The Indians aren’t so different from us if you think about the terrible things people did to each other in our own country,” and goes on to add, “Why do you think people do such terrible, terrible things?” Why do you think people do terrible things to others and how as an individual or a society can we change that?

7. How can we show respect to other groups of people the way Meusebach did to the Comanche chiefs?

8. Anna says that “All of life is an adventure.” How can everyday things be an adventure? How can you apply this to your life?